Henry Alfred Harrop coming to America
Henry Harrop is the father of Phoebe Lorraine Harrop Black. He was born 5 Feb 1841 in Mexborough, Yorkshire, England; christened 28 Feb 1841 in Mexborough, Yorkshire, England; died Jan 1918 in Chandler, Maricopa, Arizona, United States; buried in Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, United States, son of John Harrop and Sarah Lovett. He married Sarah, an Indian girl born 6 Apr 1850 and raised by Richard and Phoebe Benson, Parowan, Utah, on 23 Nov 1866 in Parowan, Iron, Utah. died 1881 in Walker, Navajo, Arizona; buried in Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona, United States. Married Sarah Littlefield, in the St. George LDS Temple on 7 Mar 1879. Married Livara Jarvis in 1884 in Silver Creek, Navajo, Arizona, United States. Married Cynthia Erminnie Harmon on 2 Nov 1898 in Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, United States. Cynthia was born 19 May, 1866 in Coalville, Summit, Utah, United States; christened 20 Feb 1872 in Kaysville, Davis, Utah, United States; died 2 Nov 1905 in Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico; buried 5 Nov 1905 in Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, daughter of Norton (Edward) (—) Harmon and Thankful Loretta Tanner.
Coming to America
Henry Harrop began his immigration to the United States from Liverpool England. It was here that he boarded the sailing ship Monarch of the Sea on April 28, 1864, at the age of 23.He arrived in New York City on June 3, 1864, 35 days later. No evidence can be found that Henry kept a journal of his ocean voyage.Many others did keep journals and excerpts from their journals have been included to illustrate what the voyage was like.
DEPARTURE. — We had the pleasure of clearing the ship Monarch of the Sea (Captain Kirkaldy) for the port of New York, on Tuesday, the 26th instant.This ship was chartered to sail on the 23rd instant; but, owing to unavoidable detention in loading and unloading the cargo, through having to change her berth in the dock, she could not be got ready for clearing before Tuesday.She did not sail until the morning of Thursday, the 28th instant.This further delay was attributable to the difficulty in obtaining sailors.So many ships having been prevented from reaching the port by the strong easterly winds which have lately prevailed, and the bounty offered by the American navy inducing so many sailors to enter into their service, there has been a great scarcity of that class of men, of late, in this port. This goodly ship has sailed with 973 souls of the Saints on board, nearly every one of whom have paid their way through to Wyoming (Wyoming Nebraska).This is the largest company of Saints, we believe, which has ever sailed from the shores of Europe for America.Though they have had some inconveniences to endure, through the ship not being completely prepared to receive them at the time they were advised to come forward, good feelings and good order were noticeable in their midst, and they formed no exception, in this respect, to the many companies of Saints which have left these shores for Zion. (MS, 26:19 (May 7, 1864), pp.298-99)
Ove Christian Oveson writes “We sat in the harbor to 28 of April 1864.There was 973 emigrants on board and had plenty rum.We was pulled out of the harbor by a steamer into the open sea.There was 2 man that jumped overboard, and was drown. Rummer said they was robbers.There was search for outlaws on the ship.”
H. N. Hansen writes “One of the great difficulties that soon presented itself to us was that the ship was altogether incapable to cook for so large a crowd of passengers, and that the men in charge of the kitchen was inexperienced hands who were thus employed, working their passage.Rations was divided out consisting in oatmeal, rice, peas and meat and perhaps a few other articles. I think a few shrunken potatoes was given once or twice and coffee and tea was in like manner distributed.Each family was to bring their kettle with what they wanted boiled to the kitchen door and was to have it cooked in their turn, but when it was found that the kitchen was entirely inadequate this rule was not observed. The stronger crowded their dish to the front, while that belonging to the weaker and more modest ones was left behind. It was many days that many got no cooking done at all, but had to satisfy their cravings by gnawing the hardtacks of which we had plenty. This condition of affairs soon led to unpleasantness, to quarrels and hard feelings and who can blame them, even saints do not want to starve nor see their little ones cry for something to eat.Our condition was most deplorable.The meat we got could be smelled from one end of the vessel to the other when the barrels were opened, it was almost a wonder that it did not explode the same before hand, so strong as it was.When we did happen to get our oatmeal peas or rice cooked as a rule it was not fit to eat being scorched, it not being tended to as the men had not the experience and so many vessels to look after, not the time.For those who had sickness in the family this condition of course was very trying as nothing could be had such as would tempt the appetite of the afflicted one.And we had not been aboard many days before sickness made its inroad into many families. Our family did not escape.In a few days from the day of sailing my oldest brother took sick and he died in about a week and my youngest brother again in about a week after him.It soon became a common thing to have several deaths a day. He later states “Having two brothers thus buried in the great deep the word of God which says, that the sea shall give up the dead which are in it, is not without significance and commit to me.”
John (Johan) Johanssen provides a young persons perspective. Great many were seasick so they could neither cook nor eat.Men were appointed to stand guard at night to see that everything were in order, that no lights were left burning to set fire to anything, or anything else out of the order and if so, to report to the proper authorities. While I was only a boy of 15 years of age, they considered me trusty and capable of taking my turn in standing guard which I did without a murmur. There were many more in the company of my age and older, that were not asked to do any work of the kind.There were much sickness among the people.67 died and dumped into the sea. The way it was done was to sew them up tight in burlap or canvas, then fasten some iron to their feet, then lay them on a plank over the edge of the ship, lift up the end of the plank on deck until it got so deep they would slide into the ocean. My sister, Inger(Ingri Johanssen) , was very sick for a while so we thought we would lose her but she recovered again. The cause of some of the sickness was bad water, as we only had what was put up in barrels and it became very foul and unhealthy.We were compelled to do our washing and cooking in seawater from the ocean.
Andrew Christian Nielson recalls Measles broke out among the children and we buried 50 in the sea and one old Scotsmen.Otherwise, everything went well though I must mention we had a most cruel and wicked set of sailors that I have ever seen in my life and they caused us some trouble, but soon after that ship went to the bottom of the Atlantic and I suppose they deserved it.
- Note 1: “The Monarch of the Sea” sank just off Liverpool, England in 1865 taking with it 1,000 immigrant lives.
- Note 2: The number, and cause, of children dying on the crossing varies between passengers accounts.
- Note 3: The fee immigrates paid covered the crossing on the Monarch of the Sea and subsequent travel to Wyoming, Nebraska, The point of departure for wagon trains going to Salt Lake City, They had to pay, or earn their way, from Wyoming, Nebraska to Salt Lake City.